9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Wed Nov 11 01:26:08 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 10:27 -0700, Clint Tinsley wrote:
> I asked, please, no flames.  9.04 worked great and I have been using
> Gloria Mint 7 for several months now.  Even Thunderbird is flaky in
> 9.10.  Ubuntu is suppose to be for everyone, not just techies and
> early adopters who are willing to deal with all the problems.  And
> most of all, it is suppose to be stable, which it is not.

Now that's a helluva thing to say. I've had the exact opposite
experience with the upgrades I've done so far on my end... 3 flawless
upgrades (save for firefox icon disappearing), 1 with minor problems
[flash rejection (nothing new for this box)... and a graphics driver
issue (ATI's fault...again, no surprise...) ]. Other than that, I've
experienced stability and speed increases across the board. I don't feel
bad about having upgraded, and I don't feel nervous about upgrading the
next box in line this coming weekend.

In addition, I have a few friends/relatives (mix of techie, and
not-so-techie) with ubuntu boxes that I checked up on earlier last week
(before I did my upgrades) because I was hearing all this FUD about
karmic being a flop, and was going to warn them off upgrading for
another few weeks. Much to my surprise, it turned out most of them had
already upgraded and were perfectly happy with the new release (my
fiancé was particularly happy about having a new version of Cheese
webcam booth to play with). The only person who hadn't upgraded had
never done it before and had questions, which were simple to answer, and
they have since upgraded successfully.

And about flames... From the majority of this thread that I've read
(though I haven't finished it yet) most posts are actually in support of
ubuntu/karmic, rather than flaming it... besides, even if you say 'no
flames', posting a message titled  "9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu" on
an ubuntu mailing list, forum, etc is bound to generate flames... its a
flamebait title.

there... my pennies are in the jar.

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