9.10 is a black eye for Ubuntu

Winton Vandepeer squareyes at harboursat.com.au
Wed Nov 11 12:52:12 UTC 2009

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Andrew Farris <flyindragon1 at aol.com>wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 10:27 -0700, Clint Tinsley wrote:
> > I asked, please, no flames.  9.04 worked great and I have been using
> > Gloria Mint 7 for several months now.  Even Thunderbird is flaky in
> > 9.10.  Ubuntu is suppose to be for everyone, not just techies and
> > early adopters who are willing to deal with all the problems.  And
> > most of all, it is suppose to be stable, which it is not.
> Now that's a helluva thing to say. I've had the exact opposite
> experience with the upgrades I've done so far on my end... 3 flawless
> upgrades (save for firefox icon disappearing), 1 with minor problems
> [flash rejection (nothing new for this box)... and a graphics driver
> issue (ATI's fault...again, no surprise...) ]. Other than that, I've
> experienced stability and speed increases across the board. I don't feel
> bad about having upgraded, and I don't feel nervous about upgrading the
> next box in line this coming weekend.
> snip
> --
> Andrew
> _____________________________
> Registered Linux User: 473690
> Registered Ubuntu User: 22747
> Hi all, as someone has already said, those who have no problems don't tend
to post.
Updated my laptop last night from 9.04 to 9.10, could not have been easier
or simpler, clicked on
Upgrade on the update notifier, and of it went. Took 6 hours on my satellite
connection , but
all went very smoothly, am impressed. My Cdrom ceased to exist on  Win XP
when I
partitioned the hard drive to install Ubuntu 9.04, and had hoped that 9.10
may have cured this problem,
still the same,  but am very happy with 9.10, can now have a play with it.

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