Getting time to display in 24H format on GDM login window?

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Sun Nov 8 20:46:53 UTC 2009

Gilles Gravier:

> I've tried all I could think of. I want to get the GDM login window
> (with user selector) to display the time in 24H format. Can't find the
> place to select that.

gdm seems to display the time in a locale-specific way. I. e. on my
system (de_DE.UTF-8) gdm shows a 24 hour clock. If I change the locale
to en_US.UTF-8 and restart gdm, it shows a 12 hour clock.
I don't know of another way to change the clock type.

> Also... can't find a place to CHANGE the friggin' GDM login window
> theme. Any idea?

Apparently not:
and duplicates.


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