Whoever gave NM a keyring

Andy stude.list at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 6 22:26:18 UTC 2009

2009/11/6 Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com>:
>> Load either Ubuntu version 9.01 or 9.10

There is no Ubuntu 9.01, did you mean 9.04?
You probably want to use 9.10 anyway,

>>         Now Network Manager starts working and it is fine. But every time you reboot you
>> must do the same drill above.

Never had to do that on my machine.

>>         A partial fix was found that involves delete of several files which cause the keyring to
>> ask for a new password. You can give this password. Then reboot and the keyring panel
>> appears and you give it your known password and Network Manager starts automatic.

Probably unwise to delete files unless you know precisely what they do.
Also makes it harder for developers to debug your problem as you are
now running a non-standard install of Gnome Keyring.
Gnome-keyring my be misperforming because it actually needed those files.
Try replacing the files (you did backup the files right?).

>>         The solution to this bug is to change the software so keychain ignores the
>> Network Manager like it already does for wcid, a replacement for Network Manager.

I'm not up on the architecture of Gnome but I would imagine it's NM
asking keychain for access to the password. Thus keychain does not
require changing.

I doubt this can be considered a bug. It was probably designed this way,

It could just be a permissions issue. Try opening "Passwords and
encryption keys" (under applications).
Select the passwords tab.
Expand any entries and look for something like "Network secret for XXXXXXX"
Right click and select properties.
Under applications check you have "nm-connection-editor" and "Network
Manager Applet"
Set permissions to Read/Write/Delete for both of them.

I'm not sure how to add applications to that list. I assume they are
added if they ask for permission and you click "Always Allow".


$ fortune
bug, n:
	A son of a glitch.

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