Whoever gave NM a keyring

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 21:37:33 UTC 2009

Avi Greenbury wrote:
> "Karl F. Larsen" <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 	The keyring is a complete worthless poorly written software 
>> that makes Network Manager (NM) worthless! There is NO reason 
>> to protect the password I gave my router. It is just to keep 
>> local Internet users guessing.
> Unless you want to let users browse your network using your PC with
> its restrictions, but not browse it on theirs without them. 
> --
> Avi Greenbury
> http://aviswebsite.co.uk ;)
> http://aviswebsite.co.uk/asking-questions

	Well I wrote a bug on keyring and it follows. Please does it 
make sense to you?

>                 Keychain and Network Manager bug
>         The bug is on keychain used to save the Network Manager password(s). It means that there is at least one extra step to take before you get any Internet. If you have a wired Internet the keychain does not interfere.        
>         This bug is repeatable, but you need to have a WiFi Internet source in your area. Load either Ubuntu version 9.01 or 9.10 onto a computer that expects to get the Internet via WiFi. This is most often a laptop.
>         After a reboot when you have the software loaded it will come up and detect the WiFi and a panel will come up asking you to enter the password for your keyring. Since you never gave a keyring a password this is a real problem.
>         They provide either an OK answer or a Deny answer. If you press Deny several times the panel goes away. 
>         My system then brings up a panel asking for me to give the password of my router. I have that and enter it. This panel goes away and the original panel comes back. Press Deny a few times and it goes away. 
>         Now Network Manager starts working and it is fine. But every time you reboot you must do the same drill above.
>         A partial fix was found that involves delete of several files which cause the keyring to ask for a new password. You can give this password. Then reboot and the keyring panel appears and you give it your known password and Network Manager starts automatic.  
>         The solution to this bug is to change the software so keychain ignores the Network Manager like it already does for wcid, a replacement for Network Manager. 
73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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