apt won't fetch anything from any server

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 5 00:25:20 UTC 2009

On 11/04/2009 01:57 PM, anon anon wrote:
> I see what he was getting at, and it was my mistake as I created  the error
> text file about 15 min previously to sending the email, afterwards I had run
> the "Software Sources" tool, to attempt to use a different server, which
> changed the server listed in the sources.list file.
> So where it was my fault for not picking up on what i uploaded that was not
> the issue.

*Please* bottom post on this list. See:
http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/mailinglists/etiquette (Proper
quoting) thanks :-)

I'm not sure how you ended up using your ssh socks proxy, but FWIW I've
filed a bug regarding the mirror.cps.cmich.edu mirror issue. See:
[Repository mirror listings are incorrect - mirror.cps.cmich.edu]

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