notify-send over remote ssh connection no longer works in Karmic

Adam Olsen arolsen at
Wed Nov 4 16:52:31 UTC 2009

In Jaunty (and previous versions), I could type the following:

ssh -X someuser at
$ notify-send "test"

And it would pop up a notification on the machine I was sshing from.

In Karmic, this no longer works.  I get the following error:

libnotify-Message: Unable to get session bus: Failed to connect to
socket /tmp/dbus-hSq8SKu8aw: Connection refused

I can confirm that the notify-osd daemon is running on both machines,
dbus is running on both machines, and that X forwarding is working.
If I type this:

ssh -X someuser at
$ xmessage test

The xmessage dialog pops up just fine on my local machine.

I imagine this has something to do with the change from
notification-daemon to notify-osd, but I'm not sure what I need to do
to fix it.  Can anyone help me out?

Adam Olsen

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