ipv6 question!

Michael Casey michaelcasey73 at gmail.com
Sun May 31 21:08:43 UTC 2009


I just want to ask one big question :)

If I would have an IPv6 address [home pc, behind a router - supporting ipv6
e.g.: openwrt, ISP gives ipv6], then I can see an IPv6 address with
ifconfig, on the PC e.g.: "Z"
So that's my "very unique address". - "Z"

Can that be "seen on the internet", the "Z" address? so anyone can ping me
from outside, or do an nmap?

Or are there private addresses what the router gives to my pc.: eg.: with
ipv4 a router could give and that IP couldn't be
pinged/nmapped from outside (More Secure???)
Because I heard that there will be no NAT with IPv6?

What will happen to e.g.: a windows xp pc using IPv6? The "C$, D$....
shares" will be visible to anyone if they know the password?
sorry for the trivial question... :S :) and thank you for any answer
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