PDF Editor in Ubuntu

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun May 31 05:15:49 UTC 2009

>> "File is not in an acceptable format"
> So, why are users trying to make it read the format?

Because it was implied by the application itself that it could open
PDF file. In the File->Open menu there is an option to filter on PDF.

> In another recent post, Colin cited wikipedia where it is stated that
> scribus does not support PDF imports/reads.

Yes, I read that afterwards.

> So, it is reasonable to say that the case is solved. Stop trying to make
>  scribus read PDF files.

I'll stop trying when Stubborn Scribus (that sounds like a good name
for Ubuntu 13.10) starts opening the blasted things! Nobody is more
stubborn than I!

Dotan Cohen


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