sharing files between ubuntu computers

Alexandra Zaharia f0rg3r at
Sat May 30 15:32:02 UTC 2009

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Gary Kirkpatrick <pegngary at> wrote:

> Thanks for the info.  I can ping from the jaunty to the hardy but not the
> other way around.  sftp does not produce any results from either computer.

Then you have a networking problem. It's got something to do with your
router's/firewall's configuration.

I ask the router to assign the addresses via DHCP excepting for a few
hosts in my network that have a mapped IP over their MAC so each time
they connect I'm sure that I'll have and
assigned to them. (For instance.)

They can ping each other (IP ping or hostname ping). However, in order
to have the hostname ping to work, you'd have to edit /etc/hosts on
each machine and add there something like: laptop laptop.local

supposing the hostname of is "laptop".

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