sharing files between ubuntu computers

NoOp glgxg at
Sun May 31 03:20:32 UTC 2009

On 05/30/2009 08:24 AM, Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:

> Might firestarter have something to do with it?
> gary

Yes. Blow out Firestarter for the moment; it can easily cause multiple
connection problems... even if you know how to use it properly (IMO). A
firewall of sorts (firestarter, or the router(s) is blocking traffic
from one to the other, simple as that. Figure out the firewall that is
blocking the traffic (ssh, ping et al) and you'll resolve the problem.

The machines are on two different subnets:


Why are they on different subnets? Are they physically located near each
other? Did you configure them to be on different nets? If so, how and why?

My advise would be to simply place them on the same subnet if possible.

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