[OT] Blackberry (Was: 'Tone of the list' discussion)

Steve Reilly sfreilly at roadrunner.com
Fri May 15 12:03:12 UTC 2009

Amedee Van Gasse (ubuntu) wrote:
> christopher.lemire at gmail.com schreef:
>> P.s. Excuse my top post. I tried to bottom post, but the blackberry
>> curve smartphone's email client would not allow me to bottom post.
>> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
> You don't *have* to send email from your BlackBerry. There is really no
> emergency on this mailing list that forces you to reply without delay.
> You could just wait a few hours until you are back at the office or back
> home, and send your email from your regular computer, in all comfort.


what purpose does the "sent from my" serve anyway??  im seeing a new tv
show coming soon....... pimp my phone.

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