[OT] Blackberry (Was: 'Tone of the list' discussion)

Lorenzo Taylor daxlinux at gmail.com
Sun May 17 19:15:48 UTC 2009

Laŭ Amedee Van Gasser (ubuntu):
# I am not bothered by those five words.
# I am bothered by the meaning of those five words.
# If you understand what I mean. Now it is becoming difficult for me to
# explain because English is not my native language. If you don't
# understand me, never mind.

Very well said. I am a native English speaker, and I couldn't have said it any 

Live long and prosper,
Nia diligenta kolegaro
En laboro paca ne laciĝos,
Ĝis la bela sonĝo de l' homaro
Por eterna ben' efektiviĝos.
--La Espero, himno de Esperanto

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