Installing user apps

marc gmane at
Thu May 14 14:02:52 UTC 2009

Verde Denim said:

> I'm setting up an Ubuntu development box for java and was looking for a
> likely place to install NB 6.5. My initial thought was /usr/share (which
> is read-only). Is there a good reason not to install this with sudo in
> /usr and install these types of apps in /home?
> Thanks for your thoughts...
> Jack
> I'm setting up an Ubuntu development box for java and was looking
> for a likely place to install NB 6.5. My initial thought was /usr/share
> (which is read-only). Is there a good reason not to install this with
> sudo in /usr and install these types of apps in /home?<br> <br>Thanks
> for your thoughts...<br><br>Jack<br>

I run Netbeans 6.7 development out of /opt, glassfish3 too (a superb app 

I think that if you install as root, then you will run into problems with 
changing your nb config - installing modules, plug-ins, updating gems (if 
you use ruby), etc.

If it's a multiuser system, then I'd be inclined to create a netbeans 
group, install it under that, and add the appropriate users to the group. 
If it's just you, as a single user, then install it wherever you like.


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