Evolution send mail though proxy setting, how to? -- 2.26.1 still doesn't work!

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Wed May 13 18:49:31 UTC 2009

Chan Chung Hang Christopher wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:

>> but if you're blacklisting servers _purely_ because they're proxying,
>> then you
>> _will_ get blacklisted yourself.  You can't be blocking mail sent through
>> proper channels.
> Emphasis on proper channels.

And if the proxy is configured correctly you can't _tell_ that they're not.

>> So what?  I do, in fact, send my email through an SSH tunnel when I'm in
>> this location.  Otherwise, because the client's firewall intercepts _any_
>> attempt to connect to port 25 on any system, and redirects it through its
>> own server, my emails would seem to come from the client, not my own
>> company's server.  In fact, that's technically a violation of their
>> policy - which do you think is more honest?
> Why do you think the submission port (587) exists?

Why do you think the client would know or care?

>>> Any proxy server connecting to anything other than a smarthost will be
>>> blacklisted and blocked locally.
>> Ah, so now you're backing down from your absolute statement that proxies
>> will be blacklisted.
> Nope. Just clarifying or adding context. 

Fine - but my objection was to the words you used, not (apparently) the ones 
you meant.

>>> A proxy server does not follow the rules of mail
>>> delivery.
>> A proxy does whatever it is configured to do.
> Proxy servers do not queue email and deliver them.

No, it doesn't, but if it's sitting between your client and a valid SMTP 
server, it doesn't need to.

>> My proxy says "connect to an SMTP server - if the destination is within
>> the
>> client's domain, use theirs, otherwise use mine".  If you get email from
>> me, it's always routed correctly and if you block it there are blackhole
>> lists for admins like you, too.
> Link to proxy server that has some smtp smarts in it please.

It's my own proxy, and it _doesn't_ have smtp smarts - it just knows enough 
to choose which smarthost to connect to.

> Oh, link to
> blackhole lists for admins that block open proxies too 

That's not what I said.  I said that if you block _valid_ emails, there are 
RBLs for you.  Nobody objects to blocking of open proxies.
> Shall I post a thread on this in NANAE too? Maybe I will post a thread
> on spam-l too. 

Why not?  It's a free world, sorta.

> I am sorry but people who configure squid to proxy smtp connections are
> just asking for trouble.

Don't be sorry - I agree with you.  I just objected to the characterization 
that a proxy was always a bad idea, that it was necessarily "open", and that 
you can even tell the connection was proxied if the proxy is working 

> Link to sysadmins often insisting that a client should never talk smtp
> at all? First time I have ever heard of that. 

I've been in that argument numerous times (with me arguing that email 
clients _should_ speak SMTP), it wasn't hard to find an example just by 
googling for me, sendmail and smtp.  It's ubiquitous.  If you haven't heard 
it, I lose any confidence that you know what we're talking about.


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