Wubi seems stuck during download

Ashley Benton chuaukantli at gmail.com
Fri May 8 02:35:53 UTC 2009

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:16 PM, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> On 05/07/2009 05:41 PM, Ashley Benton wrote:
> > On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 7:08 PM, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> >>
> > I will have a look for education but won't fill a bug report (my son
> being
> > only 11 uninstalled by himself. I know he is better than I am with
> Windows
> > but I didn't see and read anything during the uninstall.
> He sounds like a pretty smart guy!

Yes he is particularly with Windows since he likes to play games and I won't
install or help him with it. He does a lot of things by himself and for his

> On Ubuntu you can install startup-manager; after install it will appear
> in the System|Administration|StartUp-Manager & from there you can select
> Win as the default boot, shorten the menu pause etc. If you are dual
> booting, then perhaps set it to 5 seconds so that he/you at least have
> time to hit Esc or arrow key to select Ubuntu when you wish to boot to
> that.

I didn't know that I would have look for the file with the terminal(vim).

> In the meantime he installed Ubuntu in its own
> > partition. I just had to manually install Ubuntu over the uninstalled
> Ubuntu
> > [the partition was still here] and everything is working. (He is telling
> me
> > that first he has the choice between Windows and Ubuntu [certainly from
> the
> > second installation as Ubuntu is working]  then if he selects Windows he
> > again have a choice between windows and ubuntu [which I guessed has been
> > uninstalled] )
> Doesn't appear to be if he is still getting the second grub prompt. What
> I'd recommend doing is reinstalling via Wubi (be sure to read the FAQ etc:

I will just leave it this way if I reinstall and uninstall again I will
delete what he did with the synaptic manager after the installation. Since
he knows which Ubuntu is working only the boot up time is a little longer.
Ususally he goes to add and remove programs and he told me that what he did,
I guess something didn't work, which wasn't a problem since I used the
created partition to install Ubuntu (again)

> he
> > reinstalled Windows without antivirus so I guess the reinstallation won't
> > last one month if he leave it this way.
> *Please* ensure that he has both an AV *and* a firewall (via router, or
> at the very minimum via software) when he is running Windows. It takes
> about 5 seconds for his machine to be turned into a bot.

That's why I have to unplug his computer to have an internet connection
working correctly. I knew it was his computer but didn't know why.  I was
thinking it was spywares from his downloads. I'll explain it to him
tomorrow, like that if he wants internet I am sure he will fix it in the
minute. The other computers are protected so they didn't get the same

> As there is nothing in the computer
> > that is not a problem, just a learning curve. I guess he is not really
> > interested in security yet or he would have done something or ask..
> He *should* be & now is the best time for him to learn. If you need
> further assistance feel free to contact me directly off-list.

Thanks, I will see what he decided tomorrow after school. I will advise him
to do a clean windows install with antivirus and firewall then he can
reinstall Ubuntu which should solved my internet problem until he gets
something from one of his download.

I will do some google searching to understand the difference between wubi
and regular installation and read the pages linked.

Thank you


> Thanks for persevering; seems that you, and your son have come a long
> way w/Ubuntu since 2007 :-)

My son learned Windows and Ubuntu basics and I love Ubuntu and avoid Windows
most of the time (I prefer the Ubuntu principles, Windows is too difficult
to secure and I can't do what I do with Ubuntu on Windows) Why would I even
try Ubuntu is perfect and when that doesn't work there is a way around (most
of the time).
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