Ubuntu 8.10 applets not saving properties - sounds + NetManager

Thorny thorntreehome at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 13:29:46 UTC 2009

>> Now what's left is the sound problem.
> Please ask in a separate thread.  It's hard enough to keep threads on
> topic without trying to handle two completely different problems at once.

This is an oops Derek. You made a rookie mistake and that isn't like you,
you are an experienced, knowledgable helper. It's recommended, and
standard practise, to read all of a topic's threads before replying. If
you had, you would know that all the OPs problems solved. 

I don't mean to be picking on you, you give good advice and there is good
advice in this post of yours too. But this example is a way for lurkers to
learn how to operate efficiently in the list. No offence meant.

Perhaps we could have threaded better or marked "solved", but this list
doesn't follow conventions for threads very well.

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