Ubunto 8.10 and AVG 7.5.51

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 21 03:48:23 UTC 2009

On 03/20/2009 11:26 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> I agree that they are free to run what they please, however, from
> experience most users who ask for AV on Linux are doing so out of
> habit, not need. What would you say to a new user who asks how to
> install IE on Linux? Would you recommend that he browse with IE 6 in
> Wine as his primary web browser?

I suppose that just about anyone here can wag 'experience' appendages if
they think it is of value. Mine is not, but for the record:

Over 35 years in technical roles - from engineering to tech support and
project management including support and design of government voice and
data encryption systems, microcode programming for US government
satellites, 47 global private and public networks installed (by me any
my staff) in over 33 countries (with technologies ranging from Token Bus
(the new term is cable networks) Token Ring, X.75, X.25, LAN/Ethernet,
ATM (including contributing design management of a ISP capable ATM
switch for a Fortune 500 company), DSL, etc., and the past 6 years in
professional tech consulting for my customers with Windows, and more
recently (2 years) Linux systems.

None of that means squat, nor does it answer the question that the OP

With regards to your question: I'd recommend IEs4linux if they actually
need to use IE on linux. The alternative suggestion would be to run
Windows in a virtual environment (VirtuaBox for instance) as IMO Wine is
simply too unreliable. Now, had the OP posed a question as to his/her
problem with installing IE on Wine and/or linux I'd do my best to try an
answer the question & provide, what I consider, helpful links for doing so.
  If by some chance I think that the OP of the question is so confused
and out of their realm of experience, then I try to: 1) ask why they are
attempting to do what they are doing, and 2) try to point to
alternatives and/or FAQs/links that might be of help. I try not to
second guess (and am not always sucessful at this) why the OP is trying
to install something.

Had the OP asked something along the lines of "I'm new, I can't install
an AV", etc., then I would have stayed silent regarding this silly side
thread. But the OP didn't: he asked a question about installation of an
application, simple as that.

@Bart: I reckon that in the future if I ask about installing an
accounting, graphics, CAD, other,  package you'll be sure to advise on
which ALTERNATIVE things I should use instead? Further I never stated
that there is an issue with pointing out "alternatives or possibilities
not considered". You know that, so does everyone else on the list. I
objected to side-winders (sub-threaders) that totally ignored the OP's
question and drifted off in their own little wonderland as to why one
should or should not install an AV on a linux system.

@Lucio: Give it a rest. I killfiled Karsten & crew several years ago -
he kept spamming my email address with his spam auto-reporting bot. Got
an answer to the OP's question? Post it. If not, then start a new thread.

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