Ubunto 8.10 and AVG 7.5.51

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 07:01:20 UTC 2009

> With regards to your question: I'd recommend IEs4linux if they actually
> need to use IE on linux.

Would you not consider perceived need as opposed to actual need? Would
you not even suggest that the user consider Firefox fo browsing on

Many users think IE==Internet. I've seen it. These same users think
that all computer need virus protection. Sometimes being a good parent
means giving what they need, not what they ask for.

>  If by some chance I think that the OP of the question is so confused
> and out of their realm of experience, then I try to: 1) ask why they are
> attempting to do what they are doing

This is why I said that I should have asked. I really should have. But
the assumption that the OP _really_needs_ AV is no more valid than the
assumption that he just does not know better.

> Had the OP asked something along the lines of "I'm new, I can't install
> an AV", etc., then I would have stayed silent regarding this silly side
> thread. But the OP didn't: he asked a question about installation of an
> application, simple as that.

Should I start prepending my list queries with "I'm new" just to get
better advice? Of the various lists that I subscribe to, your advice
and recommendations are among the most valuable. I want to learn from
you as much as I can. I hope that you are not withholding your better
judgment when you help me! Please, if you see me doing something
wrong, let me know!

> Got
> an answer to the OP's question? Post it. If not, then start a new thread.

That might be a good solution, with the OP cc'ed. Better yet would be
a link to one of the hundreds of threads in which the topic in
question had been discussed, with a small note that what he want
_might_ not be what he needs.

I have recently learned of the term "bikeshedding" which I think
clearly applies here. Every list member wants to help, but there are
so few threads that are at a level in which everyone can help. So when
an easy target like this comes along, all the experts come out. This
thread has answered the OP's question, and many others that he did not
ask, and has deteriorated to policy-making. Let's just quit here. Any
colour bikeshed will do.

Dotan Cohen


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