OT: Was: Re: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Tue Mar 3 06:34:45 UTC 2009

On 03/02/2009 08:40 PM, Paige Thompson wrote:
>  I blame the list, this email never should have gotten to here.
>  Basically I imported my address book to linked in and facebook, and
>  then sent add requests and invites for all from there because I have
>  way too many to manage and not enough time or patience to do
>  otherwise. As I was saying, linkedin sent mail on my behalf and
>  because of that mail was able to make it to this list. Im 99%
>  positive it didnt use my gmail account to send mail.
>  -Adele (sent from my gphone!)

It does not look like they used your gmail account. The headers says:
Received: from mail15-a-ab.linkedin.com ([])
    by chlorine.canonical.com with esmtp (Exim 4.60) (envelope-from
<notif+Ihq-wN6R5OkH7LLwRDn-xGOlTX8H6vG8rQu4uwul7NHw7v7OR_Hf9fqlU7wkZ4AuND6DNrC-eI9z0qaIgDn_XrvNe5wrYvhOxbz4cd-obzx at bounce.linkedin.com>)
    id 1LahV8-0000Lf-3V
    for ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com; Sat, 21 Feb 2009 02:21:58 +0000
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 18:21:57 -0800 (PST)

But it also says it was from you, I'm sure that Linkedin has figured out 
that's to make sure  that spam trappers think it is from a legitimate 
person.  And, in fact it did exactly what you asked it to do, contacted 
everyone on your list.  I'm not sure you should be so hard on the listserv.

From: Paige Thompson <erratic at devel.ws>
To: Patrick Ancillotti <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Message-ID: <669798156.816115.1235182917556.JavaMail.app at ech3-cdn10.prod>
Subject: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

By the way, it appears that there is a person associated with the list 
email address.  That's no doubt part of the problem.

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