OT: Was: Re: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Tue Mar 3 19:50:19 UTC 2009

> Lighten up. She admits that she authorized LinkedIn to contact people in
> her address book to invite them join her network. There is nothing wrong
> with that.

Yeah, actually there is.  We are not her "friends".

 She didn't realize that LinkedIn would send a message with
> her email address in the "From" field to the list. I certainly wouldn't
> have expected that either.

That's besides the point.  Not all lists even control based on From
address, so even if the from was a linkedin domain some spam would still
have gotten through.

> I would have thought LinkedIn would have sent a message from something
> like noreply at linkedin.com rather than put my email address in the "From"
> field, had I asked LinkedIn to send invitations on my behalf.

That's very naive.  They send from your email specifically so people
don't block them.

Matt Flaschen

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