Connect laptop to Boost phone?

Jay Daniels jaydanie at
Sun Jun 28 22:56:43 UTC 2009

Neil Aggarwal wrote:
> Hello:
> Does anyone out there have Boost mobile phone service?
> I just bought their unlimited monthly plan with
> the Motorola i290 phone.
> I am wondering if it is possible to connect my laptop
> to the phone so I can get on the Internet and check
> my email when I am away from the house.  Their customer
> support said they do not have a way to do that, but
> I wonder if that is just a limitation of what they
> want to support instead of a technical limitation.
> I have a Ubuntu laptop and a Windoze laptop so a solution
> that works on both would be perfect.
> Is this possible?
> If so, any idea how to do it?
> Thanks,
> 	Neil

I had trouble getting the motorola tools on windows working with these 
iden phones.

Furthermore, unlimited calls is no good when you got no service 99% of 
the time:(


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