configuring apache2

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sat Jun 27 17:53:41 UTC 2009

bill wrote:
> bill wrote:
>> I have installed 9.04 server and the LAMP stack, without problem.
>> I can display the "It Works" page from a browser.
>> However, when I copy a working php based website to /var/www/ and try 
>> to access any page, I get a 403 - Forbidden.
>> I have the permissions on all the files in the directory set to 664, 
>> and I am the owner and group.
> My directory structure is:
> /var/www/ContactManagement/login.php, which gets the 403.
> If I move login.php to:
> /var/www/login.php, it works just fine.
> The permissions on ContactManagement are drwxrwxr-- 
> and permissions on login are rw-rw-r-- (in both directories)
> -- 
> Bill Drescher
> william {at} TechServSys {dot} com

20090627 1250 GMT-5

Bill, just for reference here:

all of my folders under www/ are
drwxr-xr-x and Im the owner of all of them, and the same for all files 
and folders under that.

I might be wrong about this but, I remember when I first moved to linux 
(just a few years back) and all files in var/www/ , you had to be root 
to add new files and folder. I really disliked becoming root and then 
creating a folder I could access.  Which is why all my stuff is now 
redirected to home/username/www/ for testing purposes.


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