Databases - WAS Re: acronym LAMP

Irving Leonard irving.lp at
Fri Jun 19 20:44:50 UTC 2009

El Monday 01 June 2009 09:01:39 am Gilles Gravier escribió:
> Hi!
> John wrote:
> > Gilles Gravier wrote:
> >> [snip]
> >> Can you clarify your views? As far as I know, there are NO ROYALTIES for
> >> use or redistribution of MySQL runtime on Windows (and on any other
> >> platform). That's what the GPL licensing of MySQL guaranties... FREE
> >> REDISTRIBUTION (amongst other things)...
> >>
> >> Point your browser to :
> >> Or a direct link
> >> from one (the closest to me) of the redistribution mirros :
> >>
> >>.34-win32.msi (and if you feel like bleeding edge, pick one from the
> >> /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-6.0 directory)
> >>
> >> Seriously... no royalties there... even for redistribution. This
> >> software is licensed under the GPL v2.
> >
> > As I recall, there *used* to be royalties payable if you wrote and sold
> > software for the windoze platform that incorporated MySQL. Consequently,
> > I did not bother with it and went down the PostgreSQL route.
> >
> > Thus, I have not needed to keep up-to-date with MySQL so if the
> > situation has changed, thanks for letting me know!!
> Seems it has. Or more likely, you were looking at an old binary
> distribution made by a company that had included some of their own stuff
> they were selling with it. I think MySQL has been GPL for most, if not
> all of its life. It sure is, now. :)
> For me, the choise PostgreSQL vs MySQL is more a dependence on type of
> application & data you are going to process... and maybe compatibility
> with existing code... Licensing is very similar. MySQL offers maybe
> better enterprise-class support for those who need it. In any case, Sun
> is a significant contributor to both (though it OWNS MySQL)... :)
Where can I read something about MySQL compared to Oracle? I have very little 
experience in the database world but what I heard about Postgres is that they 
make the competition to Oracle, they are like the Open Source alternative to 
big enterprises. The question is where is MySQL? Do they compete with MsSQL? 
Is MsSQL a big enterprise database engine (I heard the opposite, the are for 
small business or enterprise)? Are there URLs?

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