Databases - WAS Re: acronym LAMP
Karl F. Larsen
klarsen1 at
Sat Jun 20 11:48:25 UTC 2009
Hash: SHA1
Irving Leonard wrote:
> El Monday 01 June 2009 09:01:39 am Gilles Gravier escribió:
>> Hi!
>> John wrote:
>>> Gilles Gravier wrote:
>>>> [snip]
>>>> Can you clarify your views? As far as I know, there are NO ROYALTIES for
>>>> use or redistribution of MySQL runtime on Windows (and on any other
>>>> platform). That's what the GPL licensing of MySQL guaranties... FREE
>>>> REDISTRIBUTION (amongst other things)...
>>>> Point your browser to :
>>>> Or a direct link
>>>> from one (the closest to me) of the redistribution mirros :
>>>> .34-win32.msi (and if you feel like bleeding edge, pick one from the
>>>> /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-6.0 directory)
>>>> Seriously... no royalties there... even for redistribution. This
>>>> software is licensed under the GPL v2.
>>> As I recall, there *used* to be royalties payable if you wrote and sold
>>> software for the windoze platform that incorporated MySQL. Consequently,
>>> I did not bother with it and went down the PostgreSQL route.
>>> Thus, I have not needed to keep up-to-date with MySQL so if the
>>> situation has changed, thanks for letting me know!!
>> Seems it has. Or more likely, you were looking at an old binary
>> distribution made by a company that had included some of their own stuff
>> they were selling with it. I think MySQL has been GPL for most, if not
>> all of its life. It sure is, now. :)
>> For me, the choise PostgreSQL vs MySQL is more a dependence on type of
>> application & data you are going to process... and maybe compatibility
>> with existing code... Licensing is very similar. MySQL offers maybe
>> better enterprise-class support for those who need it. In any case, Sun
>> is a significant contributor to both (though it OWNS MySQL)... :)
> Where can I read something about MySQL compared to Oracle? I have very little
> experience in the database world but what I heard about Postgres is that they
> make the competition to Oracle, they are like the Open Source alternative to
> big enterprises. The question is where is MySQL? Do they compete with MsSQL?
> Is MsSQL a big enterprise database engine (I heard the opposite, the are for
> small business or enterprise)? Are there URLs?
> --
> regards
> irving
The MySQL database is used a lot on Web Pages you buy things from. It
is the Data Base (DB) of choice for that purpose. You can get MySQL from
the Ubuntu repositories.
Oracle is a big SQL DB which is very expensive and used by Banks and
big business.
73 Karl
- --
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
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