Setting console VGA mode

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Jul 20 15:29:53 UTC 2009

2009/7/20 Derek Broughton <derek at>:

> I do use gmane, and you can't necessarily detect what the proper names are
> for cross-posted lists, though gmane retains the "List-" headers, so in any
> given list it's easy to find the correct address.
> But you're right, the lists are not "hosted" at gmane, they're "gated" by
> gmane, but they're hosted at

That's what I thought. Thanks for the clarification.

>> My question pertained to Ubuntu Server, so I asked there. I'm in
>> British & in Britain so I asked there. & I'm an Ubuntu user & it's a
>> question about Ubuntu, so I asked there, on the highest-traffic list.
>> Seems reasonable to me. Have I violated netiquette?
> Generally cross-posting, where appropriate, _is_ acceptable on Usenet
> newsgroups, and is not acceptable on mail lists, precisely because anyone
> trying to reply to "All" will get pestered by various autoresponders when it
> turns out they're not subscribed to all of the recipient lists.  In this
> case, gmane is more like the lists than Usenet, as you need to be subscribed
> to most gmane groups, too.

Oh. Well, that's news to me. Sorry about that.

Even after 24 years on Internet email, I can still learn...

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
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