Setting console VGA mode

Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Jul 20 13:21:54 UTC 2009

Liam Proven wrote:

> 2009/7/19 NoOp <glgxg at>:
>> On 07/19/2009 03:42 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
>>> 2009/7/18 NoOp <sniprudeinclusionofemailaddress>:
>>>> On 07/18/2009 03:50 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>>> Anyone?
>>>> Which list that you posted to are you asking?
>>>> gmane.linux.ubuntu.user.british, gmane.linux.ubuntu.server,
>>>> gmane.linux.ubuntu.user
>>> I'm not using Gmane at all. Apart from the fact that I never got Gmane
>>> working at all, the lists are not actually hosted there in the first
>>> place, AIUI.
>> Of course they; I'm posting from gmane & gave you the gmane groups for
>> the lists you crossposted to. Also see:
> Don't know about you, old son, but I'm subscribed to:
>  - ubuntu-uk at
>  - ubuntu-users at
>  - ubuntu-server at

I do use gmane, and you can't necessarily detect what the proper names are 
for cross-posted lists, though gmane retains the "List-" headers, so in any 
given list it's easy to find the correct address.

But you're right, the lists are not "hosted" at gmane, they're "gated" by 
gmane, but they're hosted at
>> Point being is that you are/were crossposting to three different
>> lists. I suppose that there are good reasons to do this at times, but
>> IMO it makes it easier if you post to one list at a time; particularly
>> when asking "Anyone?".
> My question pertained to Ubuntu Server, so I asked there. I'm in
> British & in Britain so I asked there. & I'm an Ubuntu user & it's a
> question about Ubuntu, so I asked there, on the highest-traffic list.
> Seems reasonable to me. Have I violated netiquette?

Generally cross-posting, where appropriate, _is_ acceptable on Usenet 
newsgroups, and is not acceptable on mail lists, precisely because anyone 
trying to reply to "All" will get pestered by various autoresponders when it 
turns out they're not subscribed to all of the recipient lists.  In this 
case, gmane is more like the lists than Usenet, as you need to be subscribed 
to most gmane groups, too.

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