No good CD-Rom copy software (fwd)
Oliver Grawert
ogra at
Thu Jul 9 09:00:02 UTC 2009
On Do, 2009-07-09 at 09:20 +1000, Res wrote:
> yes yes yes, thats what they say, perhaps their glasses need cleaning, and
> BTW, i dont wear, nor need glasses :)
> it maters not, there is much shit software in the offical repo which o
> refuse to use, you should see my 'no longer needed' list in apt, its close
> on a full screen,
but that software wasnt what was discussed here, many of this software
was included after people like you followed the right process and asked
for its inclusion, the technical board only judges the techincal
quality. for software with known license problems they ask a paid
external lawyer like it happened in the case of cdrecord ...
> coz those things are needed jusat not understood by your
> technical team afterlal they say its not but the laywers say its Ok,
they didnt ... very simple. eben moglen reviewed the licensing and asked
that joerg adds a line to the copyright that states his permission to
link the GPL parts he didnt write and for which he doesnt own copyright
against the CDDL parts he did write. joerg refused to do so which in
turn led to not including the software.
> I
> guess your technical team seem to knowns something the laywers dont, oh
> thats rght, we know the answer to that dont we.
no, the technical board (as i stated over and over) does not have to
know about law, thats why they ask professional third party entities
that deal with opensource licenses on a daily basis.
the techncal board discusses techincal matters or matters that are
brought up by users like you on their agenda ... and again, if you
think they handled the problem wrongly, please put it on the agenda,
show up at the next meeting (thursday 14:00 UTC) on IRC in
#ubuntu-meeting at and express your concerns you are
free to convince *them* of the opposite, not us on this list ...
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