No good CD-Rom copy software (fwd)

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Wed Jul 8 23:37:34 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Res wrote:
> yes yes yes, thats what they say, perhaps their glasses need cleaning, and 
> BTW, i dont wear, nor need glasses :)
> it maters not, there is much shit software in the offical repo which o 
> refuse to use, you should see my 'no longer needed' list in apt, its close 
> on a full screen, coz those things are needed jusat not understood by your 
> technical team afterlal they say its not but the laywers say its Ok, I 
> guess your technical team seem to knowns something the laywers dont, oh 
> thats rght, we know the answer to that dont we.
> On Wed, 8 Jul 2009, Oliver Grawert wrote:
>> hi,
>> On Mi, 2009-07-08 at 20:46 +1000, Res wrote:
>>> Discussion is whats needed, the laywers have saud its Ok,
>> i wonder if you need to clean your glasses or something...
>> the technical board engaged with [1] who said *it was not OK* ... this
>> was announced in [2].
>> just to quote from it a last time, read it slowly and carfully so you
>> understand each word of it and hopeful stop the noise on this list:
>> ...
>> Joerg Schilling has declined to grant a specific permission on his CDDL
>> code, and in the absence of that (or in the absence of a broader
>> discussion between CDDL and GPL stakeholders to resolve the licence
>> incompatibility), Eben Moglen of SFLC informs us that we cannot ship
>> cdrtools.
>> ...
>> one of the core instances for opensource licenses has stated linking
>> code under specifically these two licenses is *not OK* in [3] ...
>> if joerg doesnt grant the mentioned permission or the known licensing
>> issue that are acknowledged to *not work* legally together by all
>> instances that handle opensource licenses in the linux world isnt
>> cleared up, the technical board wont allow the software into the
>> official archives ...
>> if you want to have the issue revisited and have any chance to ever get
>> the software included in ubuntu, annoying mark with private mail is the
>> wrong way, shouting out loudly and annoying on the technical support
>> list for users is the wrong way, please stop the topic here and go to
>> the proper instances...
>> the only place for you to go if you want to have the issue picked up
>> again is [4]. neither mark in private, nor the ubuntu-users list, nor
>> debian decides on ubuntu licensing and software issues only the
>> technical board does.
>> put it on the agenda [5] and appear to the next meeting and state your
>> concerns there but please stop spamming the list with issues the list
>> cant make any decision on. it doesnt help and only produces noise.
>> if you want the ubuntu-burning team to update the packages in the PPA
>> for newer releases, please contact the ubuntu-burning team [6].
>>> some debian maintainer who  HAS and axs to grind say its not, thats
>>> wrong and that loser should be brought to bear.
>> once again please note that discussing the personal dispute between
>> joerg and eduard has nothing to do with the issue at all and doesnt
>> belong on this list.
>> ciao
>> 	oli
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> [6]
	I will watch with interest what Google does on their new computer
software called Chrome.os. They say it will be Open Source and based on
Linux of some sort. They will need to test and judge which software is
best for chrome. I'm not sure if ANY will come from Ubuntu???

	Should they ask me I will support cdrecord.

73 karl

- --

	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
        Key ID = 3951B48D

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