No good CD-Rom copy software (fwd)

Frans Ketelaars ketelaars at
Tue Jul 7 19:51:22 UTC 2009

On Tue, 07 Jul 2009 22:51:11 +1000, Res wrote:

> On Tue, 7 Jul 2009, Siggy Brentrup wrote:

>> Why the heck instead of complaining don't you or someone else make a
>> .deb of cdrtools available for those who don't care about legal
>> problems? If need be, Jörg may ask me to debianize it but I won't
>> distribute it.
> coz Mark wont allow it into a repo :) however I do susopectMark has bene
> mislead by the debian packager, hence my invitation to Oliver to forward
> the emails to Mark, I'm happy to discuss it with him.

>From Oliver Grawert :
( ):

do you really think the ubuntu-burning team would take the effort to 
provide a PPA with joergs software if there wasn't an interest in making 
it available ? ( ) i 
hope they will collect bugs and fixes for that PPA package and that joerg
accepts the code if those fixes are submitted upstream.


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