install question

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Jan 29 20:26:43 UTC 2009

On 01/29/2009 08:02 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
> Chen Hanwei wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> I'm new to ubuntu. When I installed the live CD, it cannot go thru no matter how i tried. Ran Memtest86 2.10 and found lots of memory failures. Try to pull-off one memory stick, the memtest sounds OK. Changed both rams to 512 DIMM and found that memtest sounds fine too. But the liveCD still cannot go thru. It sounds that the installation is stucked somewher in BIOS (or may be incompatibility between motherboard and memory). Does any one solve similar issues?
>> Specifications of my computer are:
>> a) Gateway computer - Intel i845E/G/PE, 2.0G, 2048 DDR ram, 80G hd
>> thanks,
> We're gonna need the specific error message from the installation to
> help you debug this.  Typically you can hit CTRL+ALT+F1 (or any other
> Function key) to get to a console session (is it F8 for output?) that
> displays the output of the installation process.  What does that tell you?

Good advise. I'd also recommend installing from the alternate CD. The
liveCD _should_ work, but I've never had issues with the alternate CD's.

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