Ubuntu 8.4 problem

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 29 09:52:10 UTC 2009

Linda Webb wrote:
> Lucio, I am not familiar with Virtualbox - Is it a free software for Ubuntu ?

Yes, VirtualBox is free software for Ubuntu. It allows you to 
essentially run another operating system in a window of your current 
one, as you would an application.

Note, though, that the free bit only covers VirtualBox - you will still 
need whatever permissions are appropriate to use any OS in it. So to 
(legally) have Windows XP running in VirtualBox, you'd need to have gone 
out and bought a retail box of it (if indeed the XP EULA allows for 
virtual machine installation).
The reality is that any OEM install CD is likely to work in the short 
term, but will likely be picked up by WGA.

Avi Greenbury

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