Online connection turtle-slow

Preston Kutzner shizzlecash at
Sun Jan 25 04:22:07 UTC 2009

On Jan 24, 2009, at 9:37 PM, NoOp wrote:

> On 01/24/2009 11:33 AM, Preston Kutzner wrote:
>> On Jan 24, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Jim Kvarnberg wrote:
>>> When I clicked "online banking" in my bank website or some other
>>> places
>>> that require my login ID and password before I could open them, it
>>> took
>>> 'forever' to open them.  I got tired of staring at a mouse point  
>>> icon
>>> wheel going round and round for a long time.  I fed up and went
>>> across a
>>> room to my laptop computer with wireless connection (its OS is  
>>> Windows
>>> XP) to open the connection to the same places ... bingo they  
>>> opened up
>>> real fast, beating the Ubuntu 8.10 amd64 operated computer.  What  
>>> was
>>> wrong?  Any suggestion for solving the problem?  It will be
>>> appreciated.  Thank you.  Jim
>>> PS I want to stick to using the Ubuntu system.
>> There are several things that might be causing the problem.  First, I
>> assume you were using Firefox on the Ubuntu machine, but you didn't
>> mention which web browser you used on the Windows machine.  It is
>> possible that your bank's website only works in IE.  It's also
>> possible that the site's scripting might not be supported by Ubuntu's
>> default javascript installation (which, incidentally, isn't Sun's
>> java).  You might try installing the sun-java6-jre package in Ubuntu
>> and trying again.  If your bank's site only supports IE, you can try
>> installing the ies4linux package (which you'll have to hunt down on
>> the "Internets").
> Java has nothing to do with javascript:

Yeah, my bad about the Javascript.  Keep forgetting that fact.  I  
still stand by my browser portion.
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