create an image like norton ghost in ubuntu

Ray Parrish crp at
Wed Jan 14 19:26:30 UTC 2009

Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>> One other thing I can think of about dd is it's nickname "data 
>> destroyer", one little typo in your call to it can wreak havoc, and a 
>> gui tool doesn't suffer from this problem as much.
> Plus corruption or errors will be copied dutifully over by dd as well. 
> There's a dd-rescue utility that uses a modified routine with DD to try 
> recovering data in the copy process...dd-rescue or dd-restore, something 
> like that.
>> Now if I could just afford another drive to make some copies of my 
>> partitions on, I'd be set. 8-)
> If you have another system, we image by booting RIP (does it seem like I 
> like RIP yet?) and mounting a remote share with the mount -t cifs 
> command then specifying that mountpoint as the destination (and source 
> if performing the restore) for the partimage file.
> So we can image to a USB disk or Windows share or a physically cabled drive.
Nope, just one system for this poor boy... About five months from now my 
financial situation is going to improve marginally, so I am anxiously 
awaiting that time to upgrade my ram and get a second hard drive.

Later, Ray Parrish

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