Should I downgrade to Ubuntu 8.04 from 8.10?

Charlie Kravetz cjk at
Mon Jan 12 03:08:04 UTC 2009

On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 17:24:05 -0800
"Samuel Rohde" <samuelrohde at> wrote:

> Ever since I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 from 8.04 I have had nothing but
> problems. Is 8.10 worth it? What should I do? What is your experience?

I run 8.10 because it works for me. That is not a good reason for
anyone else to use it. I put up with the issues in it (no sound at
times, movies) because they are minor issues for me. OTOH, I ran 6.06
until 7.10 because the other versions in between did NOT work for me. 

It is personal, I think.

Good luck,

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           []

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