Should I downgrade to Ubuntu 8.04 from 8.10?

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Jan 12 04:41:57 UTC 2009

On 01/11/2009 05:38 PM, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Samuel Rohde wrote:
>> Ever since I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 from 8.04 I have had nothing but
>> problems. Is 8.10 worth it? What should I do? What is your experience?
> I am using 8.04 Hardy, and have not felt "behind" thus far.  8.04, as an
> LTS release, is naturally more stable and better tested than 8.10, which
> is the latest release, and non-LTS. If you don't actually need features
> in 8.10, stick with 8.04.
> Matt Flaschen


I only run 8.10 on a single test machine (out of 7 current systems - 6
run 8.04.01). To me 8.10 has been way too much effort to try and
maintain... and my 'hobby' is working with Ubuntu. I find myself 'trying
to fix things' way too much to be even semi-productive with 8.10. Sorry
to say that, given that my 'hobby' is Ubuntu; I've always managed to do
pretty well with previous versions (feisty & gutsy) but I've removed
Intrepid from all production systems.

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