Screen Saver

Ray Parrish crp at
Sat Jan 10 03:09:38 UTC 2009

steve wrote:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>>> Ray Parrish <crp at>  said:
>>> [remove gnome-screensaver]
>>>> Not a bad idea, but I prefer to use Synaptic Package Manager to do 
>>>> things like that, which I just did, and now it shouldn't bother me 
>>>> anymore. Thanks for the idea.
>>>> Later, Ray Parrish
>>> I hope it works for you.
>>> Cybe R. Wizard
>> It didn't, the damn thing still works, even 'though I removed 
>> gnome-screensaver with Synaptic. So... just how the hell do you get rid 
>> of the screen saver in Ubuntu?
>> The thing that really irks me is that I never turned it on in the first 
>> place, all I did was review the available screen savers, and now it will 
>> NOT shut off.
>> Later, Ray
> im going to assume you tried this already, but here it is anyway....
> system> preferences> uncheck "activate screensaver when idle"
> i hate screensavers too, and its always worked for me. good luck.
If you want to help, at least read the thread first... That setting has 
never been set to anything else. I never turned it on in the first 
place, all I did was open the Screen Saver dialog and preview the screen 
savers to see which are available. To try to get it to stop, I have even 
un-installed the package gnome-screensaver, and it still won't go away...

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