Screen Saver

steve sfreilly at
Sat Jan 10 02:48:32 UTC 2009

Ray Parrish wrote:
> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>> Ray Parrish <crp at>  said:
>> [remove gnome-screensaver]
>>> Not a bad idea, but I prefer to use Synaptic Package Manager to do 
>>> things like that, which I just did, and now it shouldn't bother me 
>>> anymore. Thanks for the idea.
>>> Later, Ray Parrish
>> I hope it works for you.
>> Cybe R. Wizard
> It didn't, the damn thing still works, even 'though I removed 
> gnome-screensaver with Synaptic. So... just how the hell do you get rid 
> of the screen saver in Ubuntu?
> The thing that really irks me is that I never turned it on in the first 
> place, all I did was review the available screen savers, and now it will 
> NOT shut off.
> Later, Ray

im going to assume you tried this already, but here it is anyway....
system> preferences> uncheck "activate screensaver when idle"
i hate screensavers too, and its always worked for me. good luck.

Steve Reilly

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