OT: Internet Provider

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Thu Jan 8 03:44:23 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>         So now I am looking at options. I can find my old 56k telephone
> modem and go back to Juno. I can get Qwest to just send me the Internet
> without a email server.

Regardless of the mail server issue, I'd hate to be forced to go with a 
carrier that treats customers the way they have.  otoh, I have an ISP like 
that - when you're forced to use satellite Internet, you don't get much 
competition here...

> I can use the web based internet, or the Gmail I
> am now using to send this message to the list. I can try to find another
> local Internet provider for email service.

Go GMail.
>         I am thinking I prefer Gmail to solve the email problem. Today I
> use Gmail to IMAP email to both my main computer and my laptop. A
> problem is that my wife uses WindowsXP and I am not sure Windows likes
> IMAP. For sure she will hate a new email address :-)

First, even Lookout Express does IMAP just fine.  But of course, just because 
_you're_ accessing Gmail via IMAP doesn't mean she has to - she could still 
use POP.  And I solve the" yet another new email address" issue by using my 
own domain, pointing its MX to gmail and getting the best of both worlds.  
If, down the road, I stop using gmail for my mail server, I don't need to 
change my address again.  Still, even for business email, I can't get my 
wife to stop using that %^&*( hotmail address :-(
>         The other approach will be to hire another local Internet
> provider that Qwest likes. One does exist and it can be done. I will
> explore this tomorrow.

Yeah, but what's to stop QWest doing the same thing to them down the road?  
No possibility of a non-QWest service?

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