OT: Internet Provider
Ray Parrish
crp at cmc.net
Thu Jan 8 03:00:12 UTC 2009
Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> I am having trouble with my Internet providers. I am now today
> using the telephone company provided DSL sort of fast service. I pay the
> the telephone company (Qwest) $15.00 and the local provider SkyWi $20.00
> each month for my Internet. This has worked fine for around 5 years. But
> now SkyWi has Qwest in a legal fight that is still in court.
> Qwest in a effort to hurt SkyWi, disconnected about 10,000 SkyWi
> users from the Internet without any warning. The State of New Mexico
> Public Regulation Commission ordered Qwest to restore service asap. So
> today Jan 7 2009 we have the Internet from SkiWi and life is good. But
> clouds on the horizon.
> On Jan 13 Court will decide what to do with the current claims.
> If SkyWi looses they just agreed with Qwest to give us 10 days before
> they disconnect us again.
> So now I am looking at options. I can find my old 56k telephone
> modem and go back to Juno. I can get Qwest to just send me the Internet
> without a email server. I can use the web based internet, or the Gmail I
> am now using to send this message to the list. I can try to find another
> local Internet provider for email service.
> I am thinking I prefer Gmail to solve the email problem. Today I
> use Gmail to IMAP email to both my main computer and my laptop. A
> problem is that my wife uses WindowsXP and I am not sure Windows likes
> IMAP. For sure she will hate a new email address :-)
> The other approach will be to hire another local Internet
> provider that Qwest likes. One does exist and it can be done. I will
> explore this tomorrow.
> Does anyone on the list have other ideas? I was quite mad when
> the Internet died on the Tuesday before New Years and Qwest said they
> cant do a thing until Monday after New Years. In fact they were back up
> New Years eve at my home :-)
> Karl
When I moved to Qwest DSL here, which has no pop mail access, I kept my
old email address with the company I had been renting a dial-up
connection from, for a very reasonable $3.99 a month for full pop mail
access. Shop around among your local dial-up isps as most of them offer
pop mail access.
Later, Ray Parrish
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