Which ones are the viruses?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Jan 3 15:14:56 UTC 2009

2009/1/3 Justin Gruenberg <justin.gruenberg at gmail.com>:
> Deleting pagefile.sys can't be good advice. That's the windows swap
> file or the equivalent of the swap partition on linux.

So long as Windows was properly shut down, the page file can be
deleted. If it crashed, then no.

> If the zip files are in your user directory, you're probably safe to
> delete them.

No! Worms may infect files in the user directory. That is exactly how
they spread.

> Either way, this is a ubuntu mailing list and probably not the best
> place to ask windows questions.

Agreed. Just because you used Ubuntu to run the scan does not make
this an Ubuntu issue. You will ge conflicting, out of date, and plain
wrong information on this list.

Dotan Cohen



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