Which ones are the viruses?

Ray Parrish crp at cmc.net
Sat Jan 3 05:06:19 UTC 2009


I've been scanning my Windows drive to get rid of infections I picked up 
while unwisely participating in online surveys which paid me for my 
participation. I recently discovered through the use of a hosts file 
that these survey servers were serving trojans with the surveys.

Now I'm trying to clean things up with calmav from within Ubuntu so the 
viruses aren't running while I'm scanning. Yesterday I ran a scan that 
took 5 hours, but unfortunately had set the options to "show all files" 
which output every file scanned to the output window of the virus 
scanner. When it was done I couldn't scroll through the 80,000 files 
scanned to find the infected ones, except for the one show last which 
was infected with Trojan CMOS Killer. It was in pagefile.sys and I had 
clamav delete it.

Today I re-ran the scan, and it found 10 viruses, unfortunately I can't 
tell which ones it thinks are the viruses, as it output many files 
withother things wrong with them. Some say "broken executable", 
"oversized zip", "encrypted zip", and "Input/Output error". There are 
two phishing emails detected which I already knew about and forwarded to 
the institutions that they purported to be from to alert them.

However, none of them explicitly say they are viruses... so which ten 
are the viruses? I do note that there are ten encrypted zips, but then 
there are the two phishing emails, and that adds up to 12. Also, the ten 
encrypted zips are in my i386 folders which are the on disk installation 
back up for Win XP.

Anybody have more experience with clamav? Someone who can tell which 
files to delete?

Thanks, Ray Parrish

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