[OT]Gmail change?

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Tue Feb 24 15:26:43 UTC 2009

Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

> LOL.  That's total bull shit, Derek.

You should try not to reply _after_ a .sig separator - most decent mail
programs won't include anything after "-- \n" in the reply.

Call it bull shit if you want, but you really need to back that up somehow. 
It's a well-known phenomenon that there's usually a grace period for any
new president (or new leaders in most countries), in which there's a
generally increased sense of optimism.  In this case, the optimism is by
all accounts much higher than usual.  The US economy was tanking when Obama
stepped in, and it's still critically ill, but if he can pull a rabbit out
of his hat in the first hundred days it might actually survive.  Without
the change of president it would have continued the downhill slide.

It didn't need to be Obama who became president - any change would have
helped.  otoh, if he doesn't accomplish anything by May/June, the mob will
turn on him...

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