No more "me too" posts.

Mark Kirkwood markir at
Sat Feb 7 22:16:03 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>   BTW, if you visit bugs.launchpad, you will see a lot of "me too", and I never saw somebody
>>   complaining about that.
> Yes, the devs hate that. I have seen it mentioned on Launchpad _not_
> to do that unless one is giving additional info.

Note that most of us defending "me too"s are also trying to encourage 
the additional info bit, without attempting to quash any "me too" 
activity altogether (which you appear to be doing - or have I 
misunderstood your intent there?)

The grass roots feedback to the effect "this is a wide spread issue" is 
important. I suspect that there will be a reply of the like "the devs 
know if an issus is widespread..." forming in your mind. While I'm sure 
this is *sometimes* true - if I had a dollar for every time I'd seen a 
case of devs suggesting bugs are specific to a user's system or result 
of misconfiguration - only to be proved wrong by a flurry of "me 
too"s... I'd be able to buy a lot of beer :-)



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