Another reason to prefer a real root over sudo

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Fri Feb 6 13:43:32 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:

> Chris G obviously misses the fact that he can change the timeout value
> to whatever value he wishes; long or short. But I reckon it is more fun
> to bait the list than to actually lookup information on sudo and sudoers.

Maybe. I don't know Chris well, don't remember seeing other posts, 
etc...personally I think he came to the thread with a gripe and wanted 
to voice it to see what others thought, and now really defends his 
preconceived ideas of doing things how he likes to do them.

At the same time I think I saw him concede some points. So I don't know 
if he'd be a troll or anything like that. Usually it's the people that 
come in and start throwing a lot of passive name-calling and absolute 
declarations towards those that have a different point of view to me 
more trollish than people who have taken Chris's approach.

Personally I think people who are used to doing things the "old 
way" root for administration, run users for user things...for a 
long long time see the concessions being made for ease of use vs. pure 
sysadminning to be silly given that they have no problem taking an 
active role in being responsible for their systems. Seems as if most 
enthusiasts see non-enthusiasts as a mystery for how they can't see the 
fun and enjoyment of the object of their passion. I still can't figure 
out the enjoyment train enthusiasts get from model trains and visiting 
railway stations and such...but @#$!# they can get rabid about it. *shrug*

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