sound, pdf and menu in Ubuntu Karmic

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Wed Dec 16 12:52:40 UTC 2009

Hi All

I use chromium (v4.0.269.0 (Ubuntu build 34346)) on Ubuntu Karmic and 
like its fast rendering of pages. Still it has 2 main drawbacks:
- I have no sound on youtube, while Firefox does have sound. I copied 
the into the directory /opt/google/chrome/plugins as 
was suggested, but in vain.
- when I click on a PDF link I get a black page. The only way to get 
PDFs is to download them and open them in Acroread or evince.

How to get both things right?

I also like very much the LinuxMint menu. Is there an equivalent 
application menu for Ubuntu? Or can one install the linuxmint menu in 


Alain Muls                                   alain.muls at
Royal Military Academy                              +32.2.7426340
Department CISS                                 srt +32.2.7426476
Renaissance Avenue 30, B1000 Brussels

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