Need help with Compiz

jerry jerryturba at
Mon Aug 17 22:05:35 UTC 2009

Now that I got the nvidia 7600 gs working I am trying to get compiz
working. I have some of the effects like wobbly, windows flipping, and
effects when I cut and paste, or open and close windows but I have some 

I have been using the ubuntu community docs for a how to;

1. When I run the command sudo compiz --replace I get the following errors:

jerry at jerry-desktop:~ $ sudo compiz --replace
[sudo] password for jerry:
Checking for Xgl: present.
Checking for nVidia: not present.
Checking for Xgl: present.
Enabling Xgl with nVidia drivers...
/usr/bin/compiz.real (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in
"Animation Selection" list for Focus event.
/usr/bin/compiz.real (animation) - Error: Animation settings mismatch in
"Animation Selection" list for Focus event.

Even though it says nvidia not present if I check the hardware drivers
it says the nvidia drivers are in use. The list of errors continues for
more then 10 min  and then after stopping it with Ctrl-C I lose all the
window borders and cannot switch to another app or even log out. I have
to Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. BTW the howto did not mention it but I had to
install xserver-xgl in order to get the above command to say xgl is present.

2. I had been using 6 virtual desktops and using the pager to switch
between them. Now with compiz I have only 1 virtual desktop even though
the pagers will show 4 or 6 or 8 virtual desktops. They all have the
same wallpaper and all the apps are open in one desktop. The border at
the top of the window does not have the option to move the window to
another desktop. I have tried to set this in ccsm > general options >
desktop size> and if I change the number of desktops it does not persist
but reverts to 1.. How to set the number of virtual desktops to 6?

More info:
If I run: kde-window-decorator --replace, it simply hangs.

I did run : sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24, and it 
makes some changes to xorg.conf.

I can select KDE 3 or 4 when logging in. I have been using KDE 3. If I 
login to KDE 4 there seem to be even more "problems".

The howto states: Under Kubuntu, some settings in the Compiz Settings 
Manager may not be selectable unless you enable the "Flat-File 
Configuration Backend" Under the CCSM tool -> Preferences -> (Backend 
drop down menu) I cannot access this tool. Any ideas on how to change 
the preferences?

Any help with my situation is  greatly appreciated.


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