Opening Drop Down Dialog When Using GUI Package Tools

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Sat Aug 8 18:18:38 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 07:35 -0400, Alex Ford wrote:
> Hey all -
> I'm looking for a way to automatically open the drop down box features
> that appear when using the GUI updating/installing/upgrading tools such
> as Synaptic Package Manager, Update Manager, etc.

Mine always just stay open of their own accord if I leave them so. I
suppose you could also try setting the behavior in gconf-editor, and see
if that helps.  

for that: Alt+F2, type gconf-editor [Return]
Go to "apps > update-manager"
In the right-hand panel, find the key "show_details" (its a
checkbox/bool) and check the box. You could also check the
"show_versions" box, to show the package from-to versions in the dialog
as well.

Hope that helps!

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