Advice to upgrade graphics card
Gilles Gravier
ggravier at
Thu Aug 6 17:05:03 UTC 2009
If you don't mind using proprietary drivers, go for an NVIDIA board.
Their Linux drivers are excellent.
If you insist on open-source purism... Pick ATI which has shown a better
attitude in publishing specs... so open source drivers are out, but they
are not as fancy as the NVIDIA ones.
jerry wrote:
> I currently am using a matrox marvel g400 card and it is not able to
> handle the new graphic modes now being used by ubuntu like compiz etc.
> I have the intel board D865PERL and intel says it can use an AGP 2x/4x
> 1.5v card. It seems that 8x will also work.
> I want to upgrade the system to be able to install KDE4 and higher and
> the new graphics and eye candy that are now available in ubuntu.
> Which graphics card would you recommend?
> ATI or nvidia?
> Some cards have 3D API directx or OpenGL or both. It would seem best to
> get a card that has both.
> Does the 3D API matter?
> What is the best way to configure a new video card? Simply run:
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
> Do I need to install new drivers or make changes to the kernel?
> I am running 8.04.3 with KDE 3.5 and kernel 2.6.24-24 generic
> After searching newegg etc it looks like a good choice for a new card
> would be the radeon HD 3850.
> Any suggestions for graphics cards or configurations or howtos welcome.
> Thanks for any help.
> Jerry
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