graphics card configuration.

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu Apr 30 19:10:28 UTC 2009

Wybo Dekker wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
> well, as said, I'm new to ubuntu/debian and saw an xorg.conf with little
> in it. But it seems things have changed with respect to my previous
> distro, SuSE-11.0

They certainly have :-)
>>> and it is quite slow indeed.
>>> I tried to replace xorg.conf with SuSE-11.0's version, but that did not
>>> help.
>>> Is there a tool to help with the configuration?
>> What exactly is your problem?
> It began with googleearth telling me that:
> You are currently running Google Earth in 'OpenGL' with software
> emulation. In this mode, Google Earth will work, but it will run very
> slowly...
> And then I realized that X is indeed slower than it was under SuSE-11.0.


> As regards my last question: Is there a tool to help with the
> configuration? -  I had the SaX-tool in SuSE-11.0, what is the
> ubuntu-tool for it - or does it not exist?

Probably, but since I only know how to set OpenGL settings under KDE I'll 
let someone else answer.

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